Stadium Waterproofing solutions

Stadium Stands waterproofing and protection system based on HYPERDESMO® 

Stadiums are stunning structures that are subject to many different loads, mechanical stresses and heavy pedestrian traffic. They require waterproofing with specific requirements in basements or car parks but mainly advanced waterproofing solutions for the exposed stand areas to avoid damages to the concrete, structural integrity and the corrosion of reinforcement. Moreover, the sealing of construction joints is extremely important in order to accommodate the structure’s movement.

ALCHIMICA offers waterproofing, sealing and concrete protection solutions for hard traffic systems, based on the HYPERDESMO® liquid applied waterproofing membranes which are highly suitable for stadium stands, increasing their durability and offering waterproofing protection..

HYPERSEAL®-EXPERT-150 and the  HYPERDESMO®-CLASSIC  are one of the best solutions to Stadium Waterproofing and Concrete Protection requirements.

Stadium stands waterproofing system products:



Main Membrane: HYPERDESMO®-CLASSIC. Other HYPERDESMO® versions (LV-HAA,ADY-810, etc.) can be also used according to ALCHIMICA’s guidelines.

Additional Materials: HYPERDESMO®-ADY-E, AQUASMART® –TC 2K Floor Protect

Explore applications below:

Batumi Stadium – GEORGIA

Montenegro – Podgorica city stadium

Belgrade Olympic Stadium in Serbia

Stadium in Russia

Belgrade National Stadium in Serbia

National Arena Stadium in Bucharest, Romania

QUITASI Rugby Stadium in Georgia

Sofia Olympic Stadium in Bulgaria

Metapyrg Stadium in Kazakhstan

Olympic Beach Volley stadium, Athens, Greece

If you require a specific technical support or you want to learn more about our Stadium waterproofing solutions please make a contact with us.

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